The first question you’re going to have is: Where did this color come from? As you might have guessed, this is not a stock paint option. It was actually inspired by these little silk dresses my wife bought for my daughters when they were two and three years old. They were sort of a Chinese-inspired design with butterflies and one of them was this amazing fuchsia color. I’d initially intended to use this color on a SEMA project but it didn’t quite work out. I was at Pebble Beach in 2017 and saw Michael Fux and his stunning “Fux Fuchsia” McLaren 720s and immediately regretted not painting a car that color. Michael then did a similar treatment to a Rolls-Royce and I showed that to my dad, Bert, and we decided we should paint a Ford GT in a similar color. We have a great paint setup at Galpin Auto Sports and we experimented until we got what I felt was the right hue. That sample was sent off to Multimatic in Canada (the company that builds the car) to see what their staff could do. When they sent a color sample back it had the label “Beauberry” and it looked absolutely perfect. Would I name a color after myself? Absolutely not. Would I make them change it? Well, clearly I didn’t…
A post shared by Beau Boeckmann (@beauboeckmann) That was about a year ago, or more, and we’ve been waiting this entire time. When it showed up it was even better than I expected. A friend knew what I was doing and was convinced it was going to look terrible, but when he saw the car he had to admit he was wrong. [Editor’s Note: The car, in person, is genuinely stunning. -DT]. I’m absolutely in love with the car. It’s hit me in a way that no other modern car has hit me and it’s my all-time favorite color on an automobile. In the sun it really bounces from hot pink to fuchsia with this really deep, rich color spectrum. It’s hard to capture it in pictures. It’s even harder to even see when you’re inside. But stand outside of it and you’ll be amazed. Unboxing this car was way more fun and satisfying than it should have been. Just absolutely goofy. I even screwed it up when I tried to pull a tag and it broke off in my hand, but we kept it in there because that moment (and screwing up in general) is just perfectly Autopian. B/c if it is what that is, I’m sure it’s the same tag you’d find on your new Maverick, Bronco, or whathaveyou from Ford. One of the best parts about the GT for me is how at its roots, it’s no bespoke luxury good…I may be wrong, but I’m betting one can find & pick up the right oil filter at a retail establishment easily enough. This street-legal racecar comes from a company that builds millions of everyday cars that you can see around the world, doing everyday things. That Ford is capable of producing something so beautiful and amazing like the GT but also at the same time my humble (but fun) Focus always makes me happy. (Just kidding, I really do love the color)